Looking for roots of Estefana Dias and Redecindo Torres
Hope I'm doing this right.
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La Purisima Concepcion, Valparaiso church records
Does anyone know if church records exist for La Purisima Concepcion in Valparaiso, Zacatecas for the periods, pre-1834 & 1834-1865?
Michael Carrillo
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Pars Website document may contain about founding of Huejuquilla El Alto in 1649
The reference number is: GUADALAJARA,230,L.3
University of Austin Texas Collection of Maps
I was reading about mining in Bolanos, Jalisco, Mexico:
And it lead me to map collections by the University of Austin, Texas:
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FW: Somos Primos April 2015
-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:16 PM
To: mimilozano@aol.com
Subject: Somos Primos April 2015
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FW: The Carthaginian Connection to New Mexican Families (Haplogroup E1b1b1b)
From: Angel R.
Conde of Hacienda San Mateo, Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Mexico paid for expedition to Texas
I am reading a PDF file that is long and interesting on Colonial Zacatecas.
Juan De Angon - One of First Pobladores of Valparariso, Zacatecas, Mexico
I am chatting with a historian of Zacatecas, Mexico and he lives over there.
Down loadable Passenger Catalogs to the Indies during the XVI, XVII y XVIII Centuries.
These Catalogs basically indexes of everyone that got registered to travel to the new world and are comprised of various volumes. Below are links to three sites that have these catalogs.
Nice Video of Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas, Mexico
This video is excellent all the churches and one church that caught my attention is the one in minute 1:54.
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Never give up
I have been stuck for years on finding the parents of my 4th great grandfather Jose Ysidro Hurtado.
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Victoriano Huerta's Genealogy - Marquez de los Olivos
I have been working for some time on documenting the ancestors and descendants of Victoriano Huerta.
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i just got the results for my aunt and grandpa's dna tests from ancestry
i felt like sharing this since it could give me a better idea how some of my mom's matches are related to her in the cases where i don't know how they fit in.
Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Southern California Chapter 3rd Meeting
Help please
You all have been so helpful in the past I hate to ask for a favor. I am having trouble with this Marriage Dispensation. I am trying to locate Francisco Hurtado Jimenez’ parents names.
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Universidad De Mexico 1674
In the past I had wondered about education in colonial Mexico.
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Research Digest, Vol 110, Issue 11
Hi Ronald,
I do have the Collection of books of Retoños De España... and I will be more than happy to check for you, but I am currently away from home and won't be back for more than a week.
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Plano de Ospital de Guadalajara 1757
The refrence number to look up in search: MP-MEXICO,597
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Tomas Gonzalez de Hermosillo
Hola Members , I have looking for Tomas Gonzalez de Hermosillo who married Nicolasa Marquez (daughter of Diego Marquez de Los Olivos and Maria de La Cruz Martin del Campo)
A member of another websit
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Help with marriage record - Calletano Franco 1840
I'm having difficulty completely understanding this marriage record for Calletano Franco (top of left page). It's from San Juan de los Lagos, 1840.
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Huejuquilla El Alto 1649 - Order
Saw something interesting in the PARS website:
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Pictures of Parroquia San Juan De Bautista Church of Mezquitic, Jalisco, Mexico
There are several churches in Mezquitic and I believe this one is the Parroquia de San Juan Bautista:
The inside:
my incomplete list of descendents of salvador bonilla and rosa saldana
i recently updated my rootsweb file and these are the bonillas of mesquitic and other nearby areas that i remembered to put on my tree
1 salvador Bonilla
+ rosa saldana
General Digest, Vol 110, Issue 6
Please be advised your page has been hacked, I've received two emails like this already listing you as the sender.
> From: general-request@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> Subje
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