quick question: Can anyone tell what the abbeviation is in front of the name "Antonio Sotelo" in the record of death for Francisco Sotelo?
Here is a link to the image:
Its on the righthand page in the middle.
Denise Fastrup
record of death francisco
There are two abbreviations, one before the name and the other after the name.
The second one is "presbitº", presbítero, a priest.
The first one looks like Gdo. which i don't know what it means. if it were instead Ldo. it could mean "licenciado".
Victoriano Navarro
el guardo, Antonio Sotelo
Thanks Victoriano!I am pretty sure its a G, since there is another G higher up on the page, but I havent been able find out what G.do could stand for...maybe "guardo"? as in the keeper (of something, like maybe the local church, since he was a prebítero?)