I noticed that Antonio Garcia & Rita Torres "Mexico, Jalisco, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1995La Barca,San Juan Bosco, atrimonios 1681-1768, Image 546 (Film #281070 is indexed as May 1863 and should read May 1763.
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-19033-62718-8?cc=1874591&wc=…. Informacion matrimonial for this is found at " https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-19034-60508-95?cc=1874591&wc…. Can this be fixed?
I've found errors too in other batches; reported it and no one does anything about it
Jose Carlos de Leon
Errors in transcribing
I have found errors made by transcribers and some make by the Scribe himself. A good example is finally finding my 5th GGrandmother Maria Antonia Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza with the transcribed name of Gonzales Hurtado de Mendoza. Makes research quite challenging.
You are correct. I have also found that corrections are not made when reported. Maybe they could adopt the Ancestry.com method of allowing you to list the alternate name/date/spelling/whatever along with the original information. It would at least give us a clue that there is a possible error in the report.
Researching: Romero, Romero y Chavez, de la Torre, Gomez Hurtado de Mendoza, Gutierrez, Padilla, Pena, Camarena
Errors in transcribing
Fortunately for me, the error I found was not one of my ancestors. Someday, there is a chance that someone else will be looking for that person and they may not be able to find them. Too bad we can't correct it.