Hi Rose,
I am researching in Sonora and searching for the elusive TISNADO who
migrated to Sonora from someplace in the seventeenth century.
Try these websites:
Be creative with the spelling of Durazzo. I found some possibilies.
os Ranchos] Italians in Mexico
> To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
> Message-ID:
> <3562acd40607151348g6ac2d57fv96bab07bc59c4717@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Rose,
> I too descend from Carlos Lomellini through two of Juana Lomelin's
> daughters. I also descend from Magdalena de Lavezares and have the same
> interest you do in learning about Italians in Mexico. I have found
> references to these lines in Mariano Gonzalez-Leal's book "Reto?os de
> Espa?a
> en la Nueva Galicia" Tomo II. There are also chapters In Jose Luis
> Vazquez's book on Genealogia de Nochistlan that trace the Lomellini's and
> the Lavezares descendancy.
> I would be happy to exchange data with you. Please e-mail me directly.
> Maria Cortez
> Message: 14
>> Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:00:39 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Alicia Carrillo
>> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Italians in Mexico
>> To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
>> Message-ID: <20060715170039.42643.qmail@web81614.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>> Rose,
>> Here is a quote from the prologue by Mariano Gonzalez Leal in the book,
>> Los Duran de Nochistlan.
>> " Tambien hubo en Nochistl?n, sangre Genovesa, como la de los
>> Lavezzari-aqui conocidos por Lavezares, de quienes atr?s hemos hablado-y
>> la
>> de los Lomellini -aqui reputados Lomelines-, Carlos de Lomelin, a quien
>> en
>> la Relacion del siglo XVII se le hace, curiosamente, espa?ol de los
>> Reinos
>> de Genova, procedia de una de las siete Casas Nobles de G?nova, y fue
>> estanciero pr?spero en Mexticac?n. Establecido alli por 1624, cas? con
>> do?a
>> Maria de Benavides, descendiente del viejo linaje Nochistlense de ese
>> apellido, habiendo nacido de alli cinco v?stagos: Gaspar, Carlos, Juana,
>> Domingo y Maria.
>> Juana cas? en Nochistl?n el 12 de Septiembre de 1621 con Rodrigo de
>> Carbajal y Ulloa; y viuda, pas? a segundas nupcias con el Jalostitlense
>> Don
>> Francisco Guti?rrez de Hermosillo, hijo del capit?n Francisco Guti?rrez
>> Rubio y de Do?a Leonor de Hermosillo. Por estas vias, gran parte de los
>> linajes Jalostitlenses remontan su ascendencia a los Lomelines de
>> Nochistlan.
>> Domingo uni? su vida a la de do?a Juana de Mendoza, Jalostitlense; hija
>> de
>> Manuel G?mez y de do?a Catalina Hurtado de Mendoza. Cuatro varones y dos
>> hembras resultaron del connubio; a traves de tres de ellos se extendi?
>> generosamente el apellido en la regi?n.
>> Maria de Lomelin y de Benavides cas? con el criollo de la ciudad de
>> Mejico, Don Nicolas P?rez de Contreras. Una hija de este matrimonio,
>> Juana,
>> que fue bautizada en Nochistlan el 3 de Febrere de 1643, cas?, casi ni?a,
>> con don Pedro Gallaga Mandarte y Rodriguez, hijo de Don Pedro y de do?a
>> Anna. Del matrimonio surgio el linage alte?o de los Gallagas, rama
>> materna
>> del sacerdote y guerrillero don Miguel Hidalgo-Costilla y
>> Gallaga-Mandarte.
>> End of quote. There is much more information about the Lomellin's but
>> since it is not indexed for the names it is time consuming to extract
>> specific information and have not had the time to do it yet.
>> Alicia
>> San Jose, Ca
>> Rose Hardy
>> Does anyone know of any books, websites, passenger ship records regarding
>> Italians immigrating to Mexico say during the late 1500's to early
>> 1800's?
>> I've checked out the Archivos Espanoles En Red website:
>> http://aer.mcu.es/sgae/index_aer.jsp to see if I could find my Italian
>> ancestors who settled in Mexico, via Spain, but have come up with a big
>> zero. I have a copy of the book " La Emigracion Castellana y Leonesa al
>> Nuevo Mundo 1517-1700" by Maria del Carmen Martinez Martinez and nothing
>> in
>> there as well.
>> The surnames involved are Lomellin, Lomelli (Carlos Lomellini about 1600,
>> children and grandchildren in Nochistlan, Zacatecas) and Durazzo around
>> Hermosillo, San Miguel de Horcasitas, Sonora in the late 1700's to early
>> 1800's.
>> Thanks
>> Rose
>> Fresno, CA
clubes Sociales based in Los Angeles area _zacatecas
i thought the link above might be helpful should you wish to make contact with recent immigrants from the various towns and ranchos from Zacatecas.
enrique legaspi frias
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