Transcription of Tamaulipas birth record
If anyone is willing for a challenge, here's one I am having a lot of trouble with. Francisca Rincón Ynfante moved to Rincón de Romos and married there, but her birth record is giving me grief.
If anyone is willing for a challenge, here's one I am having a lot of trouble with. Francisca Rincón Ynfante moved to Rincón de Romos and married there, but her birth record is giving me grief.
I was chatting with a distant relative who we both share a common ancestor "Patricio Madera (1792 - ?)" of Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico.
I am New at to Nuestros Ranchos and I have some pictures I would like to share. can some one please give me instructions on how I could place photos in the web site or my Album Please.
This picture was taken by someone who used a cuadcopter such as a Phantom Cuadcopter with camera to take pictures of Huejuquilla.
Do any of you eat snacks or listen to music while looking through archives?
I am chatting with another person from Huejuquilla El Alto. She is a distant cousin of mine and she lives there. She is educated and also likes geneology.
I just received a copy of my great grandfather Teodoro de Alba's death
certificate which lists his mother's name as "Synthia Guapalia". The
informant was his oldest son.
I am trying to find location of old panteons of Monte Escobedo, Mezquitic or Minillas.
During the 1600's - 1720's my ancesters were in Minillas, baptized in Mezquitic.
A friend made me aware of this painting/system and thought I'd post it for future references in race terminology found in any documents of those times. This is what Wikipedia says:
I ran across this defunto of Maria Zaragoza Lopez of Minillas who it says that she passed away in Huejuquilla and was brought to Mezquitic por haber pagado los derechos al cura de Huejuquilla.
Here is an interesting one of a person who passed away in Mezquitic, Jalisco, Mexico. Joseph Menendez with these titles: "Ultra Marino, Capitan Protector, Asturiano.
Where is "Hacienda San Antonio De Las Minillas?"
Does anyone know what these initials (E.A.h or M.A.h or L or V) stand for. they are always on the left hand side of the page under the person's name. I think the L stands for limosna.
I'm having an impossible time trying to find a marriage, baptismal or any other kind of record for this couple and their infant daughter Eugenia Ines.
This is from the difunto records of Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico:
Year is 1779, the comment:
Alguien sabe los padres de Antonio Gonzalez (ab1720) casado con Juana Petra de Castañeda por 1740.
Hola, Jorge,
estaba leyendo los mensajes y encontre el tuyo y como dice que eres de los Altos de Jalisco me parecio interesante leerlo y luego vi tu foto en el facebook y a los amigos que tienes y
I am sad that the Government of Zacatecas wants to destroy part of the old tombstones of the cemetary "Panteon La Purisma"
We are going to the desert next Thursday. How about the following week? Maybe the 27th? LR too and see if Natalie wants to come.
Para mas informacion:
From: Miguel Muñoz Borrego []
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 2:25 PM
They are husband and wife who passed away in year 1777 and at Hacienda San Antonio De Padua, near Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico they are espanoles and says they are poor?
I need help figuring out a mystery that has been bothering me for quite some time. Im working on the Delgadillo's of mid - late 1600's Nochistlan. All events below occur in Nochistlan.
They are husband and wife who passed away in year 1777 and at Hacienda San Antonio De Padua, near Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico they are espanoles and says they are poor?
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