Dear Group,
I need your help in unraveling this Corvera/Corbera y Juana Gonzales mystery. I know that this is a rather lengthy posting, but I have been trying to figure this out for many years.
My husband's Corvera/Corbera paternal lineage has been a complicated one for me and I with your help hope to move on...
Here's what I do know/have established to date...
My father-in-law Florentino Corvera/Corbera bapt 15 Apr 1894 Capilla de Momax, Zacatecas, Mexico...son of Aniceto Corvera y Trinidad Serrano.
I have listed his siblings below, he being # 2
Offspring of: Aniceto Corvera/Corbera y Maria Trinidad Salamanca Serrano
1. En la Capilla del Plateado, ( Santa Maria Mecatabasco, Huanusco, Zacatecas - Sep 1890 hija natural de Aniceto Cordero y Trinidad Cerrano...A.P. Juan Cordero y Juana Gonzales - A.M. Juan Cerrano y Jesus Salamanca.
(Is Cordero in this record actually Corvera/Corbera ? )
2. En la Capilla de Momax, Apr 1894 hijo legitimo de Aniceto Corvera y Trinidad Serrano...A.P. Juan Corvera ( mayor de edad y vecino de la Municipalidad del Plateado) y Juana Gonzales (finada) - A.M. Juan Serrano (mayor de edad) y Jesus Zalamanca (finados).
3. En la Capilla de Momax, 14 Jun1896 hijo natural de Aniceto Corvera y Ma. Trinidad Serrano A.P. Juan Corvera y Jesus Zalamanca... no other notation about the grandparents... I believe that the priest actually recorded this baptism information incorrectly....that the A.P. should have been Juan Corvera y Juana Gonzales and the A.M. Juan Serrano y Jesus Salamanca.
4. En la Capilla de Momax, 4 Mar 1900 hijo legitimo de Aniceto Corvera y Trinidad Serrano A.P. Juan Corvera y Juana Gonzales A.M. Juan Serrano y Jesus Salamanca.
5. En la Capilla de Momax, 10 Aug 1902 hija legitima de Aniceto Corbera y Trinidad Serrano A.P. Juan Corbera y Juana Gonzalez. A.M. Juan Serrano y Jesus Salamanca.
6. En la Capilla de Momax, 05 Feb 1905 hija legitima de Aniceto Corvera y Ma Trinidad Cerrano... A.P. Juan y Juana Gonzalez, A.M. Juan y Ma. Jesus Salamanca
7. En la Capilla de Momax, 16 Feb 1907 hija legitima de Anacleto Cordero y Ma. Trinidad Serrano...A.P. Juan y Juana Gonzalez - A.M. Juan y Ma. Jesus Salamanca.
(Is Anacleto Cordero actually Aniceto Corvera/Corbera?)
8. En la Capilla de Momax, 31 Jul 1910 hijo legitimo de Aniceto Corvera y Maria Trinidad Serrano, A.P. Juan y Juana Gonzalez, A.M. Juan Jose y Maria Jesus Salamanca.
NOTE: I believe that based on these records these children are the offspring of Aniceto Corvera/Corbera y Maria Trinidad Salamanca Serrano. (with various errors and spelling variations of their names), and that their A.P. are Juan Corvera/Corbera y Juana Gonzales and A.M. Juan Serrano y Jesus Salamanca.
To date I have not located baptism records for Aniceto nor for Juana Gonzales, plus I have not located a marriage record for this couple.
The two records below I believe are the offspring of Juan Corvera y Juana Gonzales aka Nepomucena Gonzales.
(1.) En la Iglesia del Pue blo de Santa Maria De Los Angeles, Jalisco, Mexico 21 Nov 1846 hijo legitima de Juan Corvera y Nepomucena Gonzales. A.P. Vicenta Corvera y Benita Marquez A.M. Cesario Gonzales y Demetria Aleman.
(2.) En la Parroquia de Tabasco - Plateado - 28 May 1865 hijo legitima de Juan Corvera y Juana Gonzalez . A.P. Vicente Corvera y Benita Marquez. A.M. Cesario Gonzalez y Demetria Aleman .
A marriage record dated 03 May 1865 S.M. Mecatabasco for child # (1.) states he is the son of Juan Corbera y Nepomucena Gonzales...
En la Parroquia de Tabasco...groom native and resident of Plateado, hijo legitima de Juan Corbera y Juana Gonsalez "que viven," it mentions the bride's name, she hija legitima de Julian Bramasco y Fermina Chavez.
Five baptism records for this couple's children state that the A.P. Juan Corbera y Juana Gonzalez and A.M. Julian Bramasco y Fermina Chavez.
My question is...
Is this the same Juana/Maria Juana/Nepomocena Gonzales that is mentioned in all the records noted above?
Mexico Catholic Church Records - Zacatecas - Huanusco - Santa Maria Mecatabasco - Matrimonios 1835-1857, 1862-1875 Image 346 of 717.
Batch # M601216 Film # 1094876
En la Parroquia de esta Villa 02 Abril 1856 -
Cruz Chaves y Juana Gonzales
Groom's father - Agustin Chaves
Groom's mother - Guadalupe Gusman
Bride's father - Cesario Gonzales
Bride's mother - Ma. Demetria Aleman
Thank you,
Pat Silva Corbera