Today I decided to reseach the paternal line of a distant cousin and thanks to Familysearch I was able to find records on 11 couples going back up to 5 generations. They all are from the La Laguna region (Coahuila-Durango, just North of Zacatecas). One of the couples is the one of Jose Maria Gonzalez de Hermosillo & Trinidad Montes de Oca, who had several children in Viesca, Coahuila around the 1840's.
According to the book -La hacienda de "La Concha": Una empresa algodonera de La Laguna, 1883-1917- this González de Hermosillo family was from Jalisco and they would carry merchandise from Guadalajara to San Antonio, TX in the early 1800's.
If anybody has any information on the Jalisco branch of this family please let me know. It is the direct paternal line of my cousin.
Best regards,
Victoriano Navarro, Torreón, Coah.