Joseph......I also noticed that I do not receive many messages from NR and when they do come in they are definitely SPAM and I do not open them. I just thought everyone was busy and not posting much. I will let you know if I continue to receive this type message in the future.
Thanks for the great job you and Arturo do for us!
> --- On Sun, 11/18/12, Emilie Garcia
>> From:
>> To:
>> Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 10:40:56 -0800
>> Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Spam Links - was RE: Not Receiving Posts
>> Joseph
>> But what is it that caused the not sending the real messages to Nuestros Ranchos? It seems the spam ones get through, but what causes the real messages to not be sent? I would like to get all the messages from Research, General, and Announcements.
>> Thanks,
>> Emilie